I wrote this 2/1/17
just found it again…cadence is off a bit but I’m a novice!
The rules we make are ours not Theirs, there’s no sense in pretending.
Release the fear and guilt and then our lives have new beginnings.
Happiness is what They want for in the bliss is caring.
A joyful heart is what’s required for messages They’re bearing.
We must remember all are one, equality’s the answer.
The differences and hate we breed fill our great world with cancer.
Hear Their still small voice among the others that are screeching.
They speak in more than words, just look and you will hear their preaching.
They do not judge, They do not care, as long as loves your reason.
Love of yourself and of our world will foster peace each season.
The time for waiting has long passed, inspired action is the key.
Turn free will into Thy will, then what will be can be.
Soon you’ll be able to decide if it’s Them or you directing.
Your thoughts and words and deeds will flow when with Them you’re connecting.
It may feel quite impossible to be instead of do.
But doing isn’t helping unless it’s what They tell you to.
There will be times when you feel lost, unsure which steps to take. It’s then that you must not decide and They’ll direct your fate.
If you just stop and listen first, you’ll know which way to turn.
It sounds so simple but it’s the most important lesson to be learned.