Written by BETH 12/2018 on a Flight to Uganda
A Needless War
Your mind and body are best friends, let not them be at war.
It’s in your mind’s world you unlock your chance this world to soar.
If pain and heartache are your norm, just trust me and you’ll see.
A spin in thought is all it takes for your dark pain to flee.
Of course there will still be those times when you feel less than gold.
But train your thoughts and you will have great stories to be told.
As you embark on each new day, start with a simple thought.
That takes you to your heart, a place where no war can be fought.
Take five minutes to think about, the things you love and bring,
the ones you treasure to your mind, let your heart start to sing.
Sing of the memories long ago, when life was more carefree.
Hum the tunes of just yesterday, but let the bad ones flee.
Put all your disappointments of the days that went before,
locked in the past and tucked away, each day new to your core.
Because your thoughts control your mood and thus control your mind.
And bitter minds hold court above your body and aren’t kind.
They manifest in physical, in pain that is so real.
But caused by lies you tell yourself that you can’t even feel.
But feel you do when negative thoughts keep bringing you down.
When hiding deep behind your smile is a pervading frown.
It’s not to late to heal you and your mind’s tumultuous bond.
To turn the crashing waves of doom into a lovely pond.
A pond that when you gaze into, you cannot help but see.
What we who live in happiness hold as our golden key.
We see a different reflection as we stare deep within.
We see the sights of a kind world where strangers all are kin.
We see a world where luck is not illusive; it’s a gift,
To open each and every day, as it your spirits lift.
We see a person who tries to live each day to its best.
How can you hate that reflection even if it fails the test.
Because the best’s impossible to every day achieve.
You must be ok with ok and take time just to be.
Don’t be a victim of the chances life can take away.
Because there’s just one thing to do: find happiness each day.
‘Cuz if you look hard you’ll unfold the happy that’s inside.
Though hiding oft it does behind your mind’s discreet false lies.
So when your mental chatter starts to take the driver’s seat.
Stop fast and send those thoughts away, replace with ones of peace.
Catch yourself throughout each of your days, when you start to feel glum.
And fill your mind with grateful thoughts, and happy you’ll become.
Let not the circumstances that surround you be your guide.
Instead let faith and love and light be always at your side.
Soon after you control the beast that preys upon your brain.
And tame it with good thoughts, the bad ones won’t drive you insane.
It sounds so simple yet it’s true, good health’s a thought away.
Your mind and body will thank you, so why not start today?