Fund your cause!
What Matters Partners
Join Beth in donating a percentage of your Real Estate commission to non-profits.
The Shout Out
A global fundraising platform to raise money on small and large scales in a variety of shout-out themed money-raising endeavors.
Dollar Dream Download
Just $1 can make a dream come true for the village of Bunyade, Uganda and the children LULIFE. Watch, share, and donate to download your copy of the dream!
Ignite What Matters
Beth is now partnering with Ignite Publishing to launch a collaborative book series that will spotlight impact work being done by individuals through their volunteer organizations and industries.
A global fundraising platform to raise money on small and large scales in a variety of shout-out themed money-raising endeavors.
Dollar Dream Download
One DOLLAR at a time, one DREAM at a time….DOWNLOAD to donate!
The Inaugural D3 Song is “WHAT MATTERS is your Heart”
The song is already available on Amazon Music, iTunes, Spotify and Google Play Store and all major media outlets for .99 to $1.29 per download!
Just $1 can make a dream come true for the village of Bunyade, Uganda and the children of Light up Life Foundation (LULIFE).Watch and share the video right now. Then donate to download your copy of the dream!Light-the-Match
A to way connect organizations in need to people willing to support them – if they knew of their need.
Just Save It
An app making it easy to be generous and save for causes, projects, education, vacations and dream purchases.
It’s more than a a bracelet. It’s a bracelet infused by the giver with love, compassion, luck, inspiration, well-wishes and positive energy!
Rotary Fast
Inspired by hunger pains Beth felt while on a mission trip to Uganda in 2019, this initiative is both a hunger awareness event and a fundraiser. The first annual “R-Fast” will be held on 4/29/20. Every person on the planet who eats (i.e. everyone) is encouraged to participate.