One DOLLAR at a time, one DREAM at a time….DOWNLOAD to donate!
Just one DOLLAR….can make a DREAM come true for nonprofit organizations all over the world! DOWNLOAD “WHAT MATTERS is your Heart” today (and please help spread the word)!
Every dollar raised through this DOLLAR DREAM DOWNLOAD (D3) initiative will find its way to a nonprofit organization. “What Matters is your Heart” is the inaugural D3 song and proceeds from its download will go to support projects of the LI10 Always Rising Team of and will support our vision of creating a world of love, kindness and service.
Proceeds from the “What Matters is your Heart” D3 initiative will be divided into the following areas:
50% to Altru Center transformational training scholarships and nonprofit initiatives around the world endorsed by the LI10 Always Rising Team
25% to initiatives supporting the Women, Life Freedom movement in Iran (to include donations to Cook for Iran and Center for Mind-Body Medicine
25% to support initiatives supporting youth empowerment, mindfulness, wellness and interconnectedness in NYC and surrounding communities
D3 is a way to do more and to enable humankind to join together and swiftly raise thousands, $1 at a time, to help sustain initiatives that are helping to transform the world. The world will witness the power of just ONE DOLLAR and embrace the truth that ONE PERSON can make a difference (with a simple click of a download button).This inaugural DOLLAR DREAM DOWNLOAD (D3) is the first of many songs that will sweep the world with opportunities to easily and affordably learn about and support worthy nonprofit efforts across the globe.
The song was co-created by BETH Medved Waller (Director of WHAT MATTERS, a 501(c)(3) she created to expand her global philanthropic efforts) and Herbie Skarbie Kawuma (produced by Ian Pro of Mantie Records in Kampala, Uganda). “What Matters is your Heart’ represents the hearts of two souls (BETH and Herbie) born worlds apart in opposite conditions inspired to serve humanity by contrasting childhoods of abundance and poverty, BETH and Herbie have felt compelled to give back since they began their respective careers (BETH as a Realtor/Broker in Virginia, USA and Herbie as a performing artist/dance instructor/motivational speaker from the slums of Kampala, Uganda, now based in Norway).
Driven by the desire to help children growing up in the ghetto slums of Uganda, Africa where he was raised, Herbie has dedicated his life to providing food, education, medical support and nurturing mentoring to children. When Herbie was awarded Norway’s prestigious “Youth Ambassador of the Year” award in 2012, BETH was being recognized with community service awards in her small hometown of Front Royal, VA for her nonprofit efforts (based largely on her platform that every dollar she helped to raise would stay to benefit her community at home). Passionate about fundraising to support local causes, BETH’s greatest motivation is to give back in gratitude for her life that has been so full of blessings, ease and opportunity.
Fueled by separate desires to make a difference in their hometowns, the two were divinely united through Facebook and met in December of 2017 in Uganda. Seeing such great need in Africa, BETH’s “give local” fundraising efforts were transformed to a “give global” philosophy. She became inspired to be the eyes and hands of compassionate donors by providing her hometown and US donor base an opportunity to experience the overwhelming feeling of seeing through her eyes the direct impact of worldwide generosity in the lives of individual children in need.
In April of 2018, during a visit to Mantie Records recording studio in Kampala, BETH penned the lyrics for “What Matters is your Heart” as she witnessed in awe as Herbie and team created and recorded his newest song, “Good” about racial unity. BETH is a music-lover who professes to have a theme song for every important event of her life (her nonprofit, WHAT MATTERS, is named after a song by Edwin McCain that has given her great inspiration through the years). While at the studio, she asked Herbie if he could create a theme song for WHAT MATTERS and the group stayed in the studio until 3am finishing the song that would soon inspire DOLLAR DREAM DOWNLOAD.
D3 is a global fundraising platform used to virally raise funds for nonprofits based on 1 person downloading a D3 Song for 1 dollar and inviting 1 other person to participate by sending a personal request with the link or link to the music venue itself (the song is available on Google Play and iTunes).
A world full of hearts united by a song and a dream…and funds raised to support causes of all kinds all around the world.
1 person clicks and buys song for 1 DOLLAR & tells 1 person about the DREAM and they do the same when they DOWNLOAD ”What Matters is your Heart.”