“The Stories”–Commemorating Guiding Light’s Final Episode 9/18/09 With Added Reflections of 9/2019
Written 9/2009 and expanded 10 years later 9/2019 by Beth Medved Waller 9/18/2009 I just watched the last episode ever of the 72-year-old Guiding Light with my Grandmother who got me hooked on the “soaps” when I was a toddler. I recall as a youngster drinking...Bowling Tournament & Silent Auction to Benefit Light up Life in Uganda!
Sponsor a 4 person team for $100 or $25 for individual player/supporter or $100 for a lane sponsorship! Click the link below for your donation for your participation and write in the notes section if you would like to be a lane sponsor, are signing up for a team or...My Granddad Knew Santa
I don’t remember when I was told the story, and in fact when I think of it, there wasn’t really a story. I never heard tales about how my grandfather met Santa or if they kept in touch. I just always understood that Santa was so very busy and chose special friends to help him by dressing as him throughout the world, and that my beloved Granddad, John W. Affleck, was one of his dearest friends. I thought I was the luckiest girl in the entire universe to have the biggest secret in the world…that my grandfather knew THE Santa Claus.